Blogging at 19:05 on Friday 22nd April from N 49.69659°, W 01.66141° /
Ah well, that's about it.
We had a steady morning around one of our favourite swampy bits of the Cotentin peninsula and made the most of it by utilising one of the most benign greenways to be found anywhere.
Basically, there's a disused railway line that runs east/west across the peninsula for a total of about 50km. It's been carefully laid to gravel / hardpack and is really well signposted. It has numerous well maintained picnic spots (pic) complete with regularly emptied and clean litter bins and it's altogether a fantastic resource for use on foot, bike or horseback: and seemingly hardly anyone uses it.
We had a blast out on the gravel bikes covering about 25km of it and only saw a couple of dog walkers and two other cyclist the whole time we were out. It cuts through all sorts of habitat and it would be hard to find an easier way of nature watching in the area. Top marks!
During the afternoon's bumble up towards Cherbourg we took in a couple of D-day memorial sites that we'd missed on previous visits. There are dozens of such formal sites throughout the region and are always worth a doff of the cap.
At one today we saw two minibus loads of sombre-faced Americans paying homage. It's reassuring to know the interest and respect endures.
We've thoroughly enjoyed our time and it's been great to be back on continental European soil for the first time since C-19 struck. The truck's performed well, done everything asked of it and apart from needing a good clean is good keep chugging.
Au revoir, for now...
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