N 56.59225°, E 08.52934°
The rain battered us throughout the night and the wind got up too. The camp proved peaceful though and as we finished breakfast the sky brightened and it even managed to stop raining. I fixed the throttle spring and we had a wander back to the church. We spent a bit of time reading the war grave inscriptions and I was particularly moved by one simply dedicated to 'An Airman'. How sad is it to die so far from home in the pointless folly of war and for no one to even know who you are.
Anyway, after we left the overnighting spot we put in a couple of hours and then stopped for lunch at the location shown. Nice place this; there's a shingle beach and it's permissible to swim. If it hadn't been for a Dane decanting his dog from his car, letting it poo on the beach and then immediately reloading the dog and driving off, I'd heartily recommend it.
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