N 59.37624°, E 28.19598°
Just before lunch we made it to Narva Castle at the coordinates shown. The city of Narva is the last stop in the northeast of mainland Europe, thereafter lies Russia. The castle overlooks the Narva river and is right next to the most fearsomely looking border control point I've ever seen. It's seriously tied down with huge, automatic steel gates, barriers and armed guards galore.
The castle was a joy. It was bombed during WW2 but has since been restored and it looks every bit like a no-expense-spared job. The workmanship and presentation are amazing. It houses a museum and some 'living-history' demonstrations and made for a very worthwhile visit.
On the Russian side of the river an even bigger castle exists (pic). Altogether the area is just fascinating. Narva itself is a very well kept city with wide open public spaces and no sign of any anti-social underbelly.
As a point of interest, this point also marked the furthest reach of our trip. We've clocked about 2,200 miles to get here and though we've quite a bit of zig-zagging to do on the way back we probably won't be further from home as the crow flies than this.
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